Management Systems
Referring to international standards, management models and certifications helps companies to structure their internal change path.
Sharing it internally through training and communication increases its scope and effectiveness.
Disclosing it externally strengthens the company's reputation.
- Environmental management (ISO 14001 and Emas)
- Footprint management (Carbon Footprint - ISO/TS 14067, Water Footprint - ISO 14046 and emissions - ISO 14064-1)
- Gender certification (UNI/PdR 125:2022)
- Mobility management (PSCL Law no. 77 of 17 July 2020)
- Sustainable event management (ISO 20121)
- Corporate Social Responsibility (SA 8000:2014)
- Environmental and energy due diligence for improving processes and impact performance
- Support in managing the Ecovadis platform (from compilation to the rating improvement path)